Gode nyheter for de få RSX seilerene våre og de unge som har OL på toppen av pyramiden. Siden vi i Norge med flere stemte for Kite som brettklasse i OL tidligere i år, har de organiserte windsurferne øvet et voldsomt press for å omgjøre beslutningen. På tvers av ISAf sine egne regler for klassevalg, kuppet delegatene møtet, og fikk det som de nå ville. Dessverre ikke kite for Rio OL likevel, men det er vel egentlig ikke så viktig? De som vil konkurrere på høyt plan har alltid et mesterskap å sikte mot.
Gratulerer til alle som har kjempet for windsurferene, og kondolerer til kiterene som allerde så OL gullet blinke i det fjerne.
Alle kan glede seg over at i tiden nå hvor “alle” trodde kite var i OL, har ført nye kitere inn i regattaklassene og flere seilforeninger og forbundet har lært en masse om hvorfor kite hører hjemme blant de andre seilklassene. Nå i vinter er det i allefall liten tvil om hva som er best å seile med på brett eller ski.
Her er de kalde fakta fra makten Olympiske korridorer:
Olympic Events And Equipment
The Olympic events and equipment was high on the agenda of the ISAF Council and after hearing the reports from the 2012 ISAF events and the London 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition, business moved on to discussing submissions.
23 submissions relating to the events and equipment for Rio 2016 were received by ISAF in advance of the Conference. In accordance with the ISAF Regulations, before the detail of any of these particular submissions could be discussed, Council were required to vote on a motion to re-open the debate on the subject. The Regulations specify that 75% of members must agree to the motion.
The submissions were presented as six proposals and Council asked to vote on them in terms of the specific changes they proposed. The first proposal grouped together the submissions that only dealt with men’s kiteboarding and women’s kiteboarding (020-12, 025-12, 027-12, 050-12, 051-12, 052-12, 053-12, 054-12, 055-12, 056-12, 057-12, 058-12 and 062-12). 26 Council members voted in favour and 12 were against.
Proposal 2, which featured Submission 063-12, related to Men’s Kiteboarding, Women’s Kiteboarding and 2nd One Person Dinghy – Finn. 14 Council members voted in favour and 23 were against and 1 abstained.
Proposals 3, 4, 5 & 6 relating to Submissions 064-12, 065-12, 071-12 and 094-12 respectively did not receive the required proposer and seconder around the table so were not considered.
With 38 possible votes, the 75% requirement was not achieved on either proposal so the events and equipment as approved in May 2012 remain for Rio 2016.
However, at the ISAF General Assembly part of the business for the 106 Member National Authorities (MNAs) who were present was to review any regulations made or amended in any substantive way by Council since the last Ordinary Meeting which was in November 2011.
ISAF had been notified of three amendments proposed by MNAs which concerned the first two lines of Regulation 23.1.4 (Men’s and Women’s Kiteboarding).
As defined in the Articles of ISAF, decisions at the General Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of those present and entitled to vote. There were 114 possible voters, including the ISAF President and Vice-Presidents.
After a lengthy debate the MNAs approved the first proposal which reinstated Men’s and Women’s Boards – RS:X.
ISAF Regulation 23.1.4 now reads:
Men’s Board – RS:X
Women’s Board – RS:X
Men’s One Person Dinghy – Laser
Women’s One Person Dinghy – Laser Radial
Men’s 2nd One Person Dinghy – Finn
Men’s Skiff – 49er
Women’s Skiff – 49erFX
Men’s Two Person Dinghy – 470
Women’s Two Person Dinghy – 470
Mixed Two Person Multihull – Nacra 17