Som importør av noen av de mest innovative og annerkjente surfmerkene i verden er vi helt i 100 over å presantere et utrolig utvalg av surfbrett i alle kategorier. Om du er nybegynner, avansert eller lyst på SUP brett. Hos oss finner du brett fra NSP, Webber, Aloha, 7S, McTavish, Modern, Blue… og flere!
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En av de mest intressante brettene er en helt ny shape fra Modern Meyerhoffer Design.
Vi er så heldig å sitte på 2 av noen veldig få eksemplarer som finnes World Wide.
Les mer om brettet og se video under bildet.
Evolution? Revolution? Future surfing solution?
The Meyerhoffer is possibly the most radical design innovation in longboarding for a generation.
Maverick designer, Thomas Meyerhoffer, is renowned for his innovative product designs including the Apple eMate – the innovative predecessor of the famous Apple computer designs of the late 1990’s.
His quest was to merge industrial design processes with his passion for surfing. Using the natural world as an inspiration, “the resulting shape is organic and fluid which seems to fit the wave better. Instead of surfing the wave, the wave surfs you. The board integrates with the wave seamlessly. You become one with the wave.”
The purpose? “The three main sequences of longboarding – turn, glide and nose riding – are pushed to a higher level. The shape with its different sections has been designed to give you something unique. The total experience is a board that is faster, turns better and delivers a higher level of surf experience”.
All boards are constructed in SLX to ensure maximum responsiveness. We have glassed all boards with white tinted epoxy resin. They have 2 x 6oz on deck and 1 x 4oz bottom with a 6oz patch on the fin area. We give the boards the gloss polish finish and they come standard 6″ or 8″ Centre fin and FCS side fins.
Meyerhoffer in the News
The Modern Meyerhoffer was launched globally at the Global Surf Industries Noosa Festival of Surfing March 15 – 22 2009, you can read all pressinterviews on the Meyerhoffer news page.
The Meyerhoffer is available in stores in the USA NOW, and will be available in stores worldwide (in limited numbers) from May 2009.