På en av våre mange ekspedisjoner ut i den store surfverden kom vi over et smart lite produkt. Som kan bety mye for de mange som tilbringer timer og dager i neopren, boardshorts og bikinier.
Saken er en gele som hindrer kløe og utslett!
Finnes hos din lokale .SrfSnoSk8. sjappe til kun kr. 129,-
What it does?
The gel is water, sweat, heat, cold and wind resistant. Because of its resistance to all these elements, it helps fight a rash from starting and can heal it too. If your skin is up against some tough material put on Surf Gel™ to form a lubricated barrier between your skin and the troubled spot of your wetsuit, board short or bikini.
How long does it last?
Surf Gel will stay on for a long time while you’re out in the water, an easy 5hrs of use before have to re-apply. If you forgot to put it on prior you hitting the water you can still use the gel. When that rawness of a rash starts around the neck, under the arms, chest and crotch area you can still put the gel on to help your skin heal and prevent irritation from continuing.