Mange kitere har gått og ventet på North Kiteboarding Airstyler Harness. Denne har total komfort og er blitt svært etterspurt. Den er på plass i Oslo og vil være i Stavanger og Bergen innen slutten av uken.
In addition to the well-known Styler features, the new NORTH KITEBOARDING Air Styler harness offers an even better comfort thanks to the air bubbles on the back. You can adjust the harness according to your own individual demands by simply inflating or deflating the air using the back valve. Styler Features: With optimum comfort and a new double hook attachment, this year’s Styler is perfectly adapted to the needs of demanding kiters.Its continuous neoprene padding keeps the harness from riding up and protects the rider’s kidneys. Other features include a wide cut, good load distribution and a generous chest padding for top riding characteristics. The Full Protection Hook Mounting protects from rib injuries and prevents bruising. Reinforced leash attachment rings and a rear handle for assistance during launching are other features that make kiteboarding simply easier.
· Individual, custom fit adjustment to the harness back
· Slip-proof
· High hook position
· Pro-Limit Pin Release
· Full Protection Hook Mounting
· Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Pris kr. 1.200,-