Ane er igang med sesongen etter å ha slitt litt med ryggen. Og i Scott Big Mountian Fieberbrunn kjørte hun overlegent og viste alle hvorfor hun ble nr. 1 i fjorårets tour.
Dette forteller Ane om konkurransen: “After a pretty challening ten days after this back issue that took me off riding I still went to Fieberbrunn and the 2nd stop of the FWT to see how I felt riding full on again. After some days seeing most of you at Ispo and having good vibes from all of you I felt good in general and I think my back got the message ;) I should be on the snow playing !
Friday I got in some really nice powder runs with the girls here and didn’t feel pain in my back and I was so happy. I did the final dession riding the competiton friday night and went up there early Saturday morning with a relaxed feeling. I choosed a line where I thought the best snow would be cause there was alot of rocks in parts of the face. I found my line perfectly, hit my jumps as planned and skied fast.. to get the on to the top of the podium in the end of the day was just an undescibable feeling! Not only I realiced my body is back on track where it should be but I also really enjoyed riding my competition run.
Now Im heading back to Chamonix for filming before the next stop in Squaw Valley the 26th.”