Å vinne denne utmerkelsen 3 ganger på rad (2005, 2006 og 2007) var allerede bevis på innsatsen til team og produkter. Men å ta 1ste plassen en 4jerde gang på rad er faktisk et vanntett bevis. Disse utmerkelsene handler ikke om individuelle produkter eller utøvere, men forteller noe om alle resultatene hos guttene og jentene i alle disiplinene.
North Sails sitt team, seil og komponenter er igjen uslålig.
Da setter vi over til teksten i North Sails sin egen pressemelding:
North Sails is very proud to get again top honors in the PWA constructors ranking.
Winning this award 3 times in a row 2005, 2006 and 2007 is already the best proof for the great performance of our team and our products. But taking the 1st place also a fourth time in a row is an almost unbeatable proof, because these awards are not for individual products or for a certain rider, but represent the addition of all results of men and women in all disciplines. That is, our team, our sails, and the rig components were once again unbeatable. Considering that all those distinctions were won exclusively with serial production models, this delivers the best proof for the performance of all NORTH SAILS products.
We are absolutely stoked about this fantastic success and thank all North riders, our chief sail designer Kai Hopf and our engineers for their great job!
Special thanks go to our world champions 2008:
Karin Jaggi PWA Slalom World Champion & Speed Windsurf World Champion
Gollito Estredo PWA Freestyle World Champion
Daida Ruano Moreno PWA Wave World Champion
Cyril Moussilmani ISWC World Champion
The 2008 PWA World Tour Overall Results – Constructors Championship, sail brands (top 5).
1st North Sails (1st in 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008)
1st Neil Pryde
3rd Gaastra
4th Simmer
5th MauiSails
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