Da har vi gleden av å ta i mot bestillinger på Warp 2006. Seilene har heftige materialer fra North Sails sin yacht divisjon og design fra superdesigner Kai Hopf med Bjørn Dunkerbeck og Micha Buizanis som prøvekaniner
World Cup Speed-Slalom /
Formula Racing Sail
(8 battens – 4/5 cams)
• Designed to win
Based on the title winning machine Warp F2005:
I. PWA Overall Slalom men 2005:
1. Bjoern Dunkerbeck
1. Micah Buzianis
II. IFCA Racing Euro Champion women:
1. Lucy Horwood
III. IFCA Slalom World Champion:
1. Micah Buzianis
2. Bjoern Dunkerbeck
• Improved efficiency
> Decreased rake angle equals less drag
> Softer more dynamic sail – easier to sail with increa-
sed control => faster
> Elastic foil which allows the sail to breath properly
and fill out more easily
• The softest rotating Racing-cam sail ever
HYPER.CAM- the first hard camber which rotates as
soft as a soft cam and makes rigging a piece of cake
5.0 400 no 406
5.4 400 no 421
5.8 430 no 434
6.3 430 no 452
6.8 460 no 472
7.3 460 no 487
7.8 460 no 503
8.3 460 yes 521
9.0 520 no 545
9.9 520 no 560
11.0 550/520 tbc tbc
11.9 550 tbc tbc
12.5 550 tbc tbc
mast carbonxtender approximate lufflengths availibility in november.
Kai worked mainly concentrated on making
the Warp F2006 even more efficient:
1. Kai decreased the rake angle resulting in
less drag.
2. Through countless prototypes and testing
hours Kai achieved a softer more dynamic
foil. This makes the Warp F2006 easier to
sail with increased control ultimately resul-
ting in a faster sail.
3. Now the entire mast-sleeve is made out of
high end Yachting cloth “P2HX” for min.
stretch and max. durability.
4. The implementation of a new 3-piece-bat-
ten-system plus the fact that Kai uses tube-
rod combinations at ever single batten now
dramatically increased the foil-stability and
therefore the wind range.
All in all the new Warp F2006 is tuned to
continue its triumphant advances.
Ordreforespørseler / Teamsøknader (aktive seilere) Send mail til:
PS. Bruken av materialer fra NorthSails sin Yacht divisjon har økt prisene med litt. Priser for seil levert i november og desember fra 8000,- til 11000,-*
* ved registrering i SrfKlanen innrømmes 15% rabatt, A team og B team har sine rabatter som normalt.